Tag Archives: homecoming

beychella – Homecoming

Finally watched Beyonce’s Homecoming Beychella film. I smiled so much and I cried too. She is hands down the King of the music industry. She will never, ever, ever be overrated. And that is not hyperbole.

She matches her work ethic and perseverance to her talent and beauty, and through this she inspires. Every day we have yet to live is our chance to GIVE IT ALL WE GOT. With my own laziness and self doubt, I wonder where I would be in life if I pushed myself to my limits every single day. I know I can always look to Beyonce as a beacon for motivation.

In her 2016 anthemic single Formation, one of my favorite lyrics is “I just might be a black Bill Gates in the making.” Beyonce is more than a musical superstar. She is a cultural tour de force with a global and multi-generational reach. She not only fully embodies Black Excellence, but she is an inspiration to everyone, regardless of identity, to reach and work for your best self. To be the best version you possible can be. Not everyone can be a Bill Gates in the making. Because ultimately, that is up to us. Only if we push ourselves towards excellence can we reach those stratospheric heights of accomplishment and influence.

My 11th grade History teacher once spoke about Elvis Presley and his global iconic status. He hailed Elvis as someone that united people, whether or not every person was a fan of his music. Because he was just that damn good. He asked us who we thought would be the next Elvis. At the time, I was thinking it was going to be Miley Cyrus. Miley had just started transitioning into her pop career and released “The Climb” for the Hannah Montana movie. It played on every radio station and was clearly an anthem for people of my generation. Fast forward 11 years later, and the only musical artist that has stood the test of time and has gained the respect and admiration from people of all ages, genders, racial backgrounds, religions, sexual orientations, musical tastes, and from musical legends and pop ingenues, is Queen Bey herself. Because she is simply that damn good.

Beychella forever and ever.

View the trailer here.